Make a donation.

Our project relies on the principle of Communal Effort. Both to literally help artists create more sustainably and to grow the number of projects we can give the gift of solar infrastructure to.

We are 100% volunteer based. We do not use your contributions for tickets, fuel, camp infrastructure, or to pay ourselves. It all goes to steel, paint, panels, and ultimately the support of small art projects.

The units are built to last so your contribution will continue to produce results for years to come! Every size contribution helps!

We need $6,000 for our 2025 goal!

If you would like to make a large contribution or have panels, batteries or other in kind please contact us first.


Gratitude to these supporters of The Solar Library

The Artery & Burning Man Arts
for all they have done to support us and the hundreds of other artists bringing art to black rock city

Burning Man Flipside
for the use of their warehouse

The Renewable Artists Team
for all the advice and resources they provide